domingo, 1 de agosto de 2010

· What’s going on people!
After the first three teaching methods we have studied in class, I would like to make some comments about them. I know that all the methods have been developed to make the teaching process easier, but as everything, they have their advantages and their disadvantages.

This seems a very effective method because its characteristics show that it insists on the mere learning of the target language. It drags students into readings since the beginning of the process, and I really believe that students can develop different skills though reading. However, students have to develop the ability of thinking in the target language because it is not allowed to translate into the native language. This is crucial to learn a language, although I think we have to translate every word when we are beginners so that we can get involved with the language and get familiar with vocabulary, and then we will be able to carry out the task of not translating.
It says that grammar is taught inductively, so I think that the students will remain with some deficiencies at the end since grammar is crucial in foreign language learning.
I quite like this method because I agree with the statement of the principle that says that vocabulary is acquired more naturally if students use it in full sentences rather than memorizing word lists on account of that I think I have learned a considerable amount of vocabulary, but I can’t use it as I’m talking, as the Cream of the Crop (Vanessa) said.

Teachers usually insist on the background or what the students already know to start the course, and that is what this method does. However is a very passive method in which student could not learn as it is hoped. Learning a new language implies to repeat to get accustom to the usage of the language, but a principle of this method says that a foreign language is not learned by repeating after a model, which could do the trick not in the process of learning a new language.
As I am a student, I consider that the silence of a teacher would not encourage me to cooperate; on the contrary, I would lose my will to be in the classroom. However, this method holds that students could be affected positively by this.

This is a very dynamic method; I had heard about this before when I read a book and it seemed very interesting to me.
Almost all pedagogues are in agreement that students have to be relaxed and comfortable so that their education can be effective. When the environment in which education is carried out, the attention and the students’ attitude improves. I like the principle of this method that says that students have to rely on the power of their brain because we rarely get to know how big our capacities can be, and that our brain is an amazing system.
I would rather study through this method than the previous two. I really like to learn through musical activities and like to sing. I like to play games, although I can adapt myself to learn in any system, but I am that one who like classical music and dynamic activities and democratic learning, so I really like this method because it works in that way.

3 comentarios:

  1. So Henry according to what you have written in this first points of view the methods which can be usefull with you are the DIRECT METHOD and THE SUGGESTOPEDIA METHOD, and I think that the suggestopedia method can work with you because everybody knows that you love music, especially like old and classical music, so it will help you to be comfortable but the problems in teaching because I do not consider that all the students would like to be in a class like that because as the class is in a peacefull environment students might tend to sleep right? but I am not sure; I am just commenting ok. Everyody has his/her style so the method we will choose to teach the target language will depend on our style.

  2. Sometimes teachers present lots of expressions or words that students would hardly use in their future then they don´t know when to use them for the suitable moment never arrives. So it is a way of contextualizing vocabulary. I think in this way the students would know how and when to use certain expressions.
    If you want to use classical musical for a certain activity, you can perfectly use it. Imagine if you have your class solving a puzzle, this kind of music will great for them. The implementation of suggestopedia will be linked to the kind of activity your students will be developing.

  3. I don't think grammar is crucial to learn a language. I mean, many native speakers don't know much about it and they manage the language fluently. I believe grammar is actually only necessary for teachers, although everyone should try to learn at least the basic.
