domingo, 1 de agosto de 2010


· Hi people! How are you all?
We have studied three more methods of which I presented one. Now I will to express my opinion about them in a general way.
The certainly called smartest girl, Vanessa, talked about THE AUDIO-LINGUAL METHOD, which remains me my brothers’ English learning.
They live in the US and they have had to learn to speak such as language because of the need of communicating with their co-workers.
This methods purpose is to teach its learners to communicate, so it doesn’t care too much about grammar rules. Even though Vane mentioned that one of the objectives is accurate pronunciation and grammar, I am sure that it refers to the grammatical order in which people talk without knowing that it is grammar. For example, people who have never gone to school indeed know how to speak in a grammatical structure but they are not able to explain such as structure.
This method has a principle that I like; it holds that a language is acquired through repetition, which is true. On the contrary, THE TOTAL PHISICAL RESPONSE suggests that students have to be firstly ready to be able to speak. I think that during the learning process, students have to practice since the beginning because as students they will never be ready without practice. To learn and teach a language is used analogy because teachers have to explain issues through analogy and students memorize or store the new language by associations and analogy; that is another principle that THE AUDIO-LINGUAL METHOD holds, and I am in agreement with this.
TOTAL PHISICAL RESPONSE is a method that I would apply if had to teach to kids because they are willing to play any kind of games. It could be applied to young people but we have to omit some activities in order to adapt it to the age of the learners. Taking into account that there are students with different behaviors, a fun class would be not fun for another student that doesn’t like to play games with his classmates.
This method is similar to WHOLE LANGUAGE since it emphasizes in readings and as the center of the learning so that the remaining skills will be developed beginning from readings. This doesn’t mean that the system is going to disregard or that we will consider not important the remaining skills. What I have discovered is that as whole language says, we develop several skills through readings. People, who read a lot, are very silver-tongued and they view things differently. I am sure that reading edifies our personality.

3 comentarios:

  1. I agree that the audilingual method is more common when learning a new language when you arrive to a country where such is the official one.

    I also share almost the exact same point of view regarding the TPR method, you mentioned several good points there.

  2. One of the principles of ALM is language immersion. People will acquire a target language when being actually surrounded by native speakers of that language. Repetition will engage learners to be aware of correct pronunciation and intonation. Whole language encourages reading skills and as you pointed out with the use of readings the teacher can create some activities that will approach the other language macro skilss

  3. It is true that repetition is effective, as we have learned to speak spanish through a habit or repetition. Hwever it is not an academic learning because we will learn what people who surround us say and the structure they use, even if it is wrong or not.
