lunes, 13 de septiembre de 2010

Teaching English across age levels

Now that we have study some theory about teaching in different ages and with my experience as student, I can conclude that teaching children, teens and adults has its own differences and teachers might find it hard to teach one of these levels.
Particularly, I would teach teens rather than teaching children and adults because I find it mentally and physically tiring to control children behavior as they perform in the classroom. When we work with children, we have to treat them softly, and we have to have an array of techniques to lead them since we rarely negotiate with them and therefore, sanction their fault.
It is true that teaching children may seem easier according to content since we teach them Basic English, but we have to deal with the maintenance of their attention span and their motivation.
Working with adults is cool as they are more conscious about what they want to learn, and their attitude toward education is more responsible than the majority of teens and children. However, sometimes we find troublemaker students while teaching adults, and at some point it is difficult to work with them. I would like to work with teenagers because they face a crucial phase in which their identity is being shaped; therefore, what a teacher does to help them is always unforgettable. We can influence positively on teens identity by helping them to overcome their difficulties. As students need real friends and affection, the relationship that exists between students and teachers is special. You can negotiate with teens as you do with adults, and the best part is that you can have fun with them, but you have to set limits so that you can keep the due respect.

1 comentario:

  1. Hi Henry,

    Teens are in their crucial phase. They also try to dare teachers with their unpredictable behaviors. You will gain their respect with your audacity in dealing with their many tricks.
