miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

Contextualized English:

As in the video is shown, contextualize English is the meaningful language use for real communicative purposes, or the act of adapting the learning process of English to real situations or the environment and students’ age. When we are teaching certain language, we tend to relate the features of our teaching to cultural aspects that are part of our reality. Particularly, I think the students likes are also part of this issue, since in some curriculums or teaching methods, classes are taught in a democratic way so that the context and the reality can be related with the learning process.

When we contextualize the teaching process, students feel familiarized with the contents because they work with real situation or topics that are popular at that moment. In addition to that, the class is enriched by a variety of activities that drag students into a meaningful and integral learning.

When teaching to children, we have a different context to when teaching adults; therefore, we have to adapt activities to their age and to what they know so far. After that we have to be on the look out of leading students toward the learning purpose of such a language. As an example we can say that the English learning aim can be business or education, so teacher have to be aware of that in order to adapt topics and contents to the prime aim.

While teaching English, there are contents that can be related with certain topics. For instance, when we teach THE TO BE BERB, we related it with occupations. That is how we get students involved with topics that we previously prepare for them to have a better understanding and a relationship with reality.

3 comentarios:

  1. Well friend I think you have a point there jiji when you say that teaching children is very different that teaching adults. For me each level is difficult because you have to adapt your activities in order to take into consideration students´necesities.We as inexpert teachers can have a problem trying to combine students´needs, the armony of the classroom, meaningful learning and also our society expectancies, but I think little by little and with the experience we are going to learn it. God Bless You

  2. Henry!,,

    Activating schemata is essential in engaging students´s attention. Adapting activities is how teachers invest their time while doing lesson planning; this is why, teachers spend hours and even days planning a single lesson.

  3. Hi henry! I think that when students feel familiarized with the topics that they are learning they learn better because they enjoy the moment. It`s true that not all the students in a certain group are going to feel confortable studying some topics, but the truth is that we as teacher must be able to adapt everything in order to teach under the idea of contextualized language.
